Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Time is ticking!

Time is ticking away! It's scary how quickly it goes when you have lots to do! I leave here at 7.30am tomorrow, and i still have another whole suitcase to pack! I think i may need magical packing powers! Possibly those that come in the form of my mother!
It's getting quite scary now actually - I go tomorrow! I'm not going to see people for 4 weeks, and I'm going to a country where i don't even speak the language. Apart from saying 'thankyou'... I think i may have to turn into the 'Yes man', except saying thank you instead! Could lead me into some interesting situations...Obrigado.
Please keep in touch, and stay in touch with my exciting adventures!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anna, what you are doing is admirable :) sounds very exciting! Go with the peace of God... he'll sort out the communication worries ;)

Bookmarked this page now also :)

Take care, and have lots of fun out there!

God Bless!

6:13 PM  

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