Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Things i have discovered about aeroplanes!

After my first ever flight yesterday, well my first two, i discovered a few things about aeroplanes!
These are a few of my findings:
we generally flying at an altitude of 11000m, and flying at 570km/h or something like that!
They have a strange choice in music - for example, upon landing in Lisbon, 'fly me to the moon' was playing, upon leaving Lisbon, they were playing 'yesterday', and landing in Fortaleza they were playing a random instrumental version of 'killing me softly'!
They appear to presume that vegetarians not just dont eat meat, but also dont eat cake. I mean, who doesnt eat cake?! I however, got a lot of salad and lots more oranges than everyone else.....
It is not a good idea to try drinking water in a turbulent area. It may attempt to go up your nose.
They had a plant bed in the airport at Fortaleza! I found that bit quite amusing.

The day before my flight, i had a very lovely and relaxing day lazing by the pool at my neighbour's daugter's house near london. Started to get my tan in already, and i hadnt even got to Brazil by that point!
I was very brave and didnt cry before i went - not even when i said goodbye to my mum or Dan on the phone. Was very hard though! Wasnt i brave?!
The flights generally were ok, once i was on them. There was a delay of nearly an hour and a quater at Heathrow, so knowing i only had an hour and a quarter to change at Lisbon was a slight panic. When watching tv programmes, you never imagine something like that will really happen, and the drama it is really like! As soon as i got off the plane, me and a few other people got wisked into a small minibus, and driven by an incredibly manic driver, who 'needed to go faster as we needed to get to the plane as it was just leaving'. I was quite scared of his driving, and there were no seatbelts!
The second flight was just boring, especially after the half time drama, and not many people appeared to speak english. I sat reading the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and listening to music. It really does give a new meaning to the song 'All over the World'. Watching the fluffy clouds was cool, and looking down and seeing the rippling see. Its so incomprehendable how huge the world is. The sunset was especially beautiful - and the sky goes an amazing colour - really light at the bottom, and really dark blue going up into the distance.
Arriving at Fortaleza airport, i was very intruigued to find an indoor garden! was quite random in an airport! Went through customs and immigration, then looked for my baggage. Which was not there.
After looking for ages, i decided to ask about my luggage, only to find out that in the chaos at Lisbon, they only had time to put me on the flights and not my luggage! Admittedly its better i got there as i wouldnt have wanted to be stuck in Lisbon for the night, but it is quite inconvenient! Here i discovered:
You should always take spare underwear in hand luggage
pack a spare t shirt
pack toothpaste and toothbrush
as it is much more difficult without them!
My luggage should arrive tonight, but here is me only hoping!
I'll update more about my day later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh all the joys of flying Long Haul :)

Gotta agree on the colours of the sky I remember when flying back from Egypt we had a stupid of clock in the morning flight back... but the colours were awesome...

As for the luggage situation - you are obviously humbling yourself with just one set of clothes lol

oh and fantastic choice of book :)

5:16 AM  

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