Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

If you were a dessert...

If you were a type of dessert, what would you be? and why? me and my flatmate Rach (the crazy cake lady) were discussing this the other night after making cake (work avoidance strikes again!), and it was so interesting! She would be a lemon merangue pie - several layers too her, fairly solid, though brittle exterior which seems easy to crack, though resiliant and soft in the middle, full of flavour, and quite exciting.
I would be a chocolate brownie icecream sundae. Its made up of different parts, that seem wierd together, but work so well. Its a very fun, quite exciting desert, sweet, full of interest, yet still quite classic. There are different parts, though parts like the sauce run all the way through it. It is also very much liked by children!
So, what would you be?!


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