Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Friday, January 19, 2007

How to make the coolest bible ever

This is how to make the coolest bible ever! :

buy a cheap plain soft-backed bible
find random fabric (in this case random flannel material)
put double sided tape all over the bible cover
flatten the fabric against it
cut margin round the edge, and tuck in edges, securing as you go with double sided tape
put the extreme edges through the sewing machine to fully secure the cover
take a rectangular piece of cardboard (cereal box card in this case) and cover with the fabric
stick it to the back of the bible
place through the sewing machine, securing the strap onto the cover
hand sew poppers onto the front of the bible and the strap
stick some ribbon inside of the spine to use as markers
close strap and slide a pen down the middle

et voila possibly the coolest bible in the world! (tho it might not quite be as cool as mine! ;)!)

Monday, January 15, 2007

My first shopping list of 2007

This is my first shopping list of 2007:
tin baked beans
tin kidney beans
tin sweetcorn
tin chopped tomatoes
jar tomato pasta sauce
jar cheesy pasta sauce
sachet black bean sauce
soy sauce
toasted sesame oil
2 packets golden rice
packet of cous cous (sun dried tomato)
2 packets instant pasta
cereal bars
8 crumpets
mature cheddar cheese
chilli cheese
3 baking potatoes
3 small carrots
3 peppers
2 0nions
few chillies
small bag apples
few bananas
few kiwi fruit
few oranges
carton orange juice
2 pints milk
natural yoghurt

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Packing and unpacking is the bane of my life...

...however, i am back in Derby of the Shire! And luckily was driven here in the car by my lovely parents, so i didn't have to look like this again!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Phrase of the few days..

'POTW this week is:[object] made of cheese!This has to be accompanied by an action reminiscent of mouse whiskers (i.e. having your hands next to face and wiggling your fingers). I'd also like to point out that it's not my fault, I didn't do it! Anna did it when she decided that cheesecake was cake made of cheese back in October. Since then, Tone has somewhat adopted this phrase, and uses it to refer to music, tv, the muppets, and pretty much anything else!'

Edward Monkton is a genius

Edward Monkton is so much of a genius that i got my friend Ellie (also known as the crazy dancing lady) the desk calendar for Christmas. She found it so entertaining, that she is going to put the new pic on her blog every month. I therefore feel duty-bound to do the same thing. So this is January's pic!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Anna-lysis of 2006!

I like lists, so i feel that it is fitting to have my first post in 2007 as a list, as an Anna-lysis of 2006! I've only been keeping this blog since June, but looking over it i am amazed at how much i can cram into a year!

In 2006 i:
was scared
was excited
was frustrated
was elated
talked a lot
was quiet
did a lot of firsts
did a lot of lasts
passed my driving test
got a car and named it larry
looked at universities
applied for universities
aired my laundry in public
was in the paper
went to Spring Harvest
had University interviews
got places for 4 different courses at 3 universities
stressed a lot about what i was going to do and where i was going to go
started seeing my wonderful boyfriend Dan - now been over 8 months!
wore a dress
turned 20, now no longer a teenager!
finished my college course, gaining a distinction in my BTEC diploma in art and design
had my artwork in an exhibition
decided on my university - Derby!
flew in an aeroplane for the first time
went to Brazil!!
ate lots of beans and rice
spent a month in Brazil which was so so so amazing
went to the beach lots
saw Simply Red in concert (!)
saw my big brother graduate
rode my bike
went to Newday working as a youth leader and got to be a 'responsible adult' - i even had a badge to prove it!
spent lots of time with Dan the man
worked for Greenbelt, designing and building a 17 foot high sculpture for Christian Aid's 'drumming it home' campaign
ran a junk sculpture workshop for 120 children
had a crazy and amazing weekend at Greenbelt
got more rubber ducks
went a whole week without showering (!)
camped in a tent several times
went to a duck race
packed up most of my life in boxes to get ready for uni
said goodbyes to lots of people
dressed up as an alien
made the move with excitement and trepidation to uni in Derby
started my Creative Expressive therapies degree
went to lots of parties
got lost
went to lots of clubs
made new friends
played hopscotch
ate curry
did my own washing
joined the CU
made lots of pancakes
got up at stupid o'clock in the morning to go on prayer walks
started helping at Kidzklub
got to do lots of action songs (with jesus is my superhero a particular favourite)
did some work
went to a CU houseparty
went to Fusion
made lots of cakes
handed in my first uni assignments
played singstar
played on dance mat
went to more parties!

trusted God and was amazed at the results
saw how awesome God is in so many different ways