How to make the coolest bible ever

This is how to make the coolest bible ever! :
buy a cheap plain soft-backed bible
find random fabric (in this case random flannel material)
put double sided tape all over the bible cover
flatten the fabric against it
cut margin round the edge, and tuck in edges, securing as you go with double sided tape
put the extreme edges through the sewing machine to fully secure the cover
take a rectangular piece of cardboard (cereal box card in this case) and cover with the fabric
stick it to the back of the bible
place through the sewing machine, securing the strap onto the cover
hand sew poppers onto the front of the bible and the strap
stick some ribbon inside of the spine to use as markers
close strap and slide a pen down the middle
et voila possibly the coolest bible in the world! (tho it might not quite be as cool as mine! ;)!)
woah, thats well cool artzy stuff :) i'm inspired :o)
It's a mighty bible! Possibly the mightiest bible in the world (although possibly not, as I haven't seen every bible in the world, so it's a little unfair to judge)!
That is so cool! And surprisingly simple! I'm going to give it a go!
I demand an update!
You're not busy now so nerrr...
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