Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I am now officially old and senile

I am hoping this new oldness (woo, oxymoron!) and therefore senility will explain the absense of posting for the last 6 months. Alas i don't think it will, as i've only been 21 a week, but its worth a try!
Facebook i think has a lot to blame for. Not just does it take up my time that i should be working, or being sociable, or washing/cooking/eating, it made me forget and abandon my beloved blog for quite some time. I'm now hoping as i have realised this, it will make me blog more! Especially as i'm going to Brazil again in 2 weeks!!
The last 6 months have been eventful to say the least. In fact, i'm tempted to just say that! Maybe i will....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You tease! Tell us more!!!!

4:52 PM  

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