Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Derby at stupid o'clock!

This was Derby at stupid o'clock this morning! And even though it was stupid o'clock, it was very exciting! The colours were amazing, and i cant wait to get up again for it next week! I think university is making me crazy!


OOh, i forgot to say! I did some washing! I have successfully managed to go 2 and a half weeks of being here without doing any washing in the washing machine! I'm quite proud! Yesterday i finally broke my fast from washing machines, and actually did a load of washing, due to the fact i didnt have enough clothes for today! Its fun being a student!

Uni life

Its getting to the stage here now where the holiday period is wearing off! We have work, lectures, and washing and shopping to do!
It is however really cool! I do love it here, and im growing to really love Derby as a place. The longer i'm here, the more sure i am, and the more excited about it i am! Even when i did have an off day the other day! I've made lots of friends, who are great, and getting really involved in the Christian Union. So much so, that last night i did washing up around the halls im living in (i hate washing up!), and got up at 6am this morning (mornings are scary!), so i could walk to the main uni campus to pray with some people from CU. It was amazing though, and we saw such a beautiful sunrise! You could see the city and cathedral behind it! I even took photos, so i'll put some on here soon!
Been to 2 churches now, both of which are very keen on giving free food, which is good! Last Sunday i managed to get a free lunch, and free dinner! With only 45 mins of being home from one, before going to the next one! So i'm not starving!
Lectures are going well. On monday we even got to play hopscotch! We're doing human development and play for that module, so we get to play to work out the development that is needed/ and or it causes. Its fun! Now i get a day off too! Woo!

Monday, October 02, 2006

'Phrase' of the week

Quoted from Ellies blog: 'I'm afraid it's not a very imaginative phrase this week. In fact it's not a phrase at all, it's just a word. The 'phrase' of the week this week is:Meep.This is usually a response to something bad or confusing. Like when someone tells you something you really didn't need to hear, you respond with 'meep'. The reason this is POTW this week is that I'm moving house at the end of the week, and so everything is a little meep at the moment trying to plan and organise when I'm going to get various things done. Plus it's a Monday and that's usually more than enough reason to meep.

However, there is also a dance of the week this week. It's the 'I got paid' dance, which makes me happy!'

I used the word meep a lot too last Friday morning when i got told at the bus stop that i had nice tits. I'm sure it was a compliment in some ways, however he was creepy, and still drunk from the night before! Meepish!