Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Friday, June 30, 2006

having fun!

Hello from the sunny climes of Brazil! Having a great time here - its such a fantastic experience already. Its so wierd actually being here and not just seeing it on photos. The jungle noises on nature documentaries are very true too - insects buzzing and making all kinds of noises, monkeys, frogs, all sorts! Its so loud at night too, so its really strange having to sleep like that!
This is a pic of part of the garden of the place im staying in - its big and sandy, with lots of fruit trees!

Cous cous for breakfast! They eat some random breakfasts here! Went to the beach at Aquiraz on Tuesday. Its so pretty - so different to lowestoft too! There are palm sunshades, and tables and chairs so people can keep out of the sun as its so hot. Found loads of cool shells. Think i may have to make something with those!

Watched Brazil win the football on tv, with my new Brazil shirt on! I thought the English like football, but obviously not. In Brazil, when the country are playing football, everything stops! ---> decoration in the street which we passed.
Literally everything - the shops shut, any entertainment shuts, even the 24hour places shut so people can watch football! Everyone finds people to watch the game with and eats popcorn watching it, like a film! Its quite funny to watch! We now have both Brazil and England playing on saturday!
Went to the YWAM church in the evening. Couldn't understand a word except what Jo translated for me, but it was cool. They are obviously passionate!
The mosquitos and ants like biting me. They also like causing allergic reactions! One of my bites on tuesday was the size of 6 10p pieces put together! Yes, i did measure it..... They're smaller now, but i have more!

We've invited a few girls from Manah, a local church project around twice a week for the time im here to do things! 3 came yesterday, and had a whale of a time making beaded stars, and lots of them! They talked to me a lot, not that i could understand them!
Zak's nursery was in the afternoon. I ended up reading lots of books! In english though, which was nice! Zak is really funny, and puts me in my place all the time! He likes bossing me around, and regularly says 'I need you to look after me!' Hannah just wants to join in everything, and gets very upset when she cant! She's only 1 and a bit, but shes very independant!
Manah was in the evening. That was interesting! The building is mad, bricks all slung together, The light cables are all hanging from the ceiling, with bare lightbulbs, and there is no running water! We have to take all the tables and chairs from here too. Its everything it cant possibly be like with health and safety in England! We had 27 children, and its very much like Whitton, just in Brazil, with slightly poorer kids. It was fun though, and the kids had a good time making straw snakes in Brazillian colours, and playing. The language really is the hard thing, as theres only so many things you can say with hand gestures and thank you!

Today we had toddlers, with Zak and his friends - all bilingual children between the ages of 1 and 5. The wheels on the bus was fun!
Some boys came from Manah in the afternoon, to do a study club with Allan. I made some cardboard cars with them which worked well, and then they raced!
Visited the first world again today, and went to the shopping centre in central Fortaleza! They were even playing English music! The shopping centre has very good ice cream - i think we may have to go there again!
Slightly tired now - its been a busy day, coupled with me setting my alarm clock on my phone last night, forgetting it was still set in English time, so it woke me up at 3am this morning, 4 hours early! Oops!
Hope you like the pics!


Blogger Victoria said...

The pictures are so beautiful!
I'm glad you're having a good time and owww the bites sound painful...

Love you!!

11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some lovely pictures there Anna :)
Glad you are having a great time!

3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just realised you said you'll be going to a shopping center because they play English music. I'm sure that's wrong!!! Listen to Brazilian music! hehe.

2:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. Played football today with all of Sammie's college mates. I feel well old! Even though I came second in the tournament! (and these guys play all the time!!!) Erm, the downside is i've twisted my ankle and am stuck indoors. D'oh. I really miss you! I could do with nursing right now! Hehe. Just take care and have a great time. Try not to get married. :p

Can't wait to have a hug again! hehe.

Love Dan.x

2:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thats so cool. Im so please for you. It looks ery pretty. I hope you have an absolutely amazing time. Lots of love Jenny xx

8:13 AM  

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