Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Friday, September 01, 2006

The beat goes on!

What i failed to mention about Greenbelt as i thought it deserved a seperate post, was that i got to do a massive sculpture for it! It was for the Christian Aid campaign 'the beat goes on', and it was very big! And mighty.
It was basically a massive figure/totem pole made from steel dustbins that you could drum. It sounded good too! The general idea was based on drums, the beat goes on, recycling, and redemption/freedom songs. It was very successful! Mighty successful in fact! ( i should perhaps stop saying that so much!
Anyways, here is how it was done! It was hard! But shiny in the end. And possibly the mightiest drum in the world.

if that isnt working, which it appears not to be (if anyone knows how to work html, please let me know!), try here:

We also got photographed drumming it here (me, Dan (my boyfriend!), Ellie, and some random guy!:

There are more pics both of the sculpture, and of Greenbelt generally at:


Blogger Munchkin said...

It took me ages to work out, but I think the random guy is Robbie. But that might not help you a lot because I can't remember if you were with us when we met him and encouraged him to join us in the paddling pool! I've just realised how dodgy that sounds, but I promise it was being used as a big sofa by 7 or 8 other people at the time!

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hiya - you might be interested in the Christian Aid podcasts from the Beat Goes On march in London today - it was huge!
You can access the podcasts here

11:49 PM  
Blogger Munchkin said...

If you want to put the pictures into your blog instead of the links, go into the html view of the blog, click on the add image icon and put the URL in there.

10:17 AM  

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