Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Things i am most looking forward to!

Things i am most looking forward to!

Seeing and speaking to family and friends!

Being able to text people again!

People speaking in English all the time, and being able to understand and communicate with people!

Flushing loo paper down the loo (here you have to put it in a seperate bin, which isnt particularly nice!)

Being able to drink water out of the tap, simple and convinient! (its not nice enough water here)

A bath - here its just showers

More varied food - roast dinner would be good, or anything that doesnt involve beans and rice, with the occasional dose of pasta! And something different from bread! Also decent hot chocolate and tea! And ENGLISH CHOCOLATE!!

My car! Though hopefully with less crazy drivers than Brazil, and better roads!

Lay ins

NO BITING ANTS!!! and hopefully less mosquitoes....

Watch out - I'm coming home!!


Blogger Victoria said...

I bet you do the whole toilet paper in bin thing by mistake when you get back. That would be funny (also gross.)

6:21 PM  

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