Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Finally Relaxing!

Hello! Guess what?! Yet more photos are here! The sad news is though, that i think these will be the last photos of Brazil before i come home, as tomorrow we have a busy but relaxing day planned, Tuesday we will be busy, and busy packing, and by Wednesday i will be on a plane and home!
As well as a very busy activities week, we've also fitted in: going to the beach, Zak's school, Tots and Tales, Manah, Shopping Centre, and lazing around drinking coconut water and sitting in hammocks! Which actually isnt that bad fresh - its nothing like the English stuff which really isnt nice. The coconut flesh is all soft inside too! Wednesday was possibly the most manic - We were up at 6 (like every other day this week! Todays wake up at 8 was a very welcome lay in!), activities all morning, Zak's school in the afternoon, followed straight after by Justin's (Zak's friend) birthday party at the YWAM base, followed by Manah! We were in much need of Pizza and coca cola when we got back!
I've very much enjoyed my diet this week. I have decided i am on the cake diet. Our tea's have consisted of either pizza (which we had one day), or/and cake, with either coca cola or chocolate milk! They eat a lot of cake here, and its very good!
Today was cool, but pretty sad. Said goodbye to the children at Manah as it will be the last time i see them before i go home. They really make me laugh - now i understand a little (a very little!) portuguese, and say a few words, they presume i understand everything! So they constantly talk to me! They're such fantastic and crazy children, i will miss them so much! Most of them gave me a big hug before they left. Got a photo with them, so that will be much treasured :). I really hope i can come back and see them at some point in the future - and they said i could!
Tomorrow we have a really special day planned - Going to a posh hotel for a buffet breakfast, followed by going in the pool there, then on to the beach, then watching a film in the evening. It should be really good, and will be soooo good to have a relaxing day.
I cant remember anything else to say for now, but i will try to briefly update for the last time tomorrow before i go home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 weeks go fast eh...? looks like you've had a great time.. and I reckon you've had a great impact on those children :)

9:29 PM  

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