Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The community

Here are some photos of the community that the children live in. Its made up of a lot of long narrow strips of houses, with narrow mud and sand streets, in poor condition. One 'road' had a big hole running through it from when the rains came and created a river, which would hurt if you fell due to the size of it. There is no running water here, but there is electricity from stolen electricity lines.
Most houses are made of brick, but there was a few that weren't, like one pictured - made out of old boxes and tins, a few planks of wood and anything they could find. The houses are really small, generally a room or 2, maybe 3 or 4 if they're lucky, and most have several adults and at least 3 children living in the house. One i went to has 6 children in the house, and 3 adults. The people were really welcoming though - we went into several of their houses to have a chat. The families pictured are Alexandra and family, and Idel, Cynthia, Lara, Roni, Larissa and family (this family now has one more added to it, as Larrissa's mum had a baby on Sunday!). The children have all been coming to our activities week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cant help but feel so sorry for them... just proof of the things we have here are luxuries compared to those people. One thing though is I admire their faith dispite living in poor conditions... they are an inspiration to many themselves if you ask me... some good pics Anna

7:37 PM  

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