Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Monday, November 13, 2006

Phrase of the week!

'Yes it's Monday, and that means that it's phrase of the week time!This week's POTW is:I'm right, and therefore I win!This is something I've been saying for years. Not entirely sure why I started it, or how I came up with it in the first place, but that's not important. The only important thing here is that I'm right, and therefore I win!'

Friday, November 10, 2006

To sleep, or to wake up???!

I regularly face the 'to sleep, or to wake up?!' dilemma, which is a difficult one. I could put ear plugs in to sleep so i slept through the night, but then i wouldnt hear my alarm, so i would miss lectures, coffee meetings etc. Or i could not put ear plugs in so i could hear my alarm and get up for lectures etc, but get woken up by EVERYTHING!
This was the case last night, when crazy drunk people came in at 2am and started screaming their heads off at each other and banging doors, eventually got intervened with by security and residential assistant at half 3-4, and we could finally attempt getting back to sleep about 5am. Dont you just love halls?!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

If you were a dessert...

If you were a type of dessert, what would you be? and why? me and my flatmate Rach (the crazy cake lady) were discussing this the other night after making cake (work avoidance strikes again!), and it was so interesting! She would be a lemon merangue pie - several layers too her, fairly solid, though brittle exterior which seems easy to crack, though resiliant and soft in the middle, full of flavour, and quite exciting.
I would be a chocolate brownie icecream sundae. Its made up of different parts, that seem wierd together, but work so well. Its a very fun, quite exciting desert, sweet, full of interest, yet still quite classic. There are different parts, though parts like the sauce run all the way through it. It is also very much liked by children!
So, what would you be?!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Phrase of the week!

This week's phrase of the week is:
Crazy [something] person!

from Ellie's blog: 'It's phrase of the week time again! This week's phrase is something we started in our office. Hilary has a lot of plants. And I mean a LOT! There are plants everywhere! So, she became known as the crazy plant lady. Since then, Anna has become the crazy duck lady, and I've been called the crazy dancing lady. So, phrase of the week is:crazy[object] personI expect to see/hear many uses of this over the week. And Anna, make sure you post it this time! Otherwise I'll have to have words and make you go and sit in the corner and think about what you've done!'

ciao from the crazy duck lady!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Big Wood

Thursday and Friday as part of my course, we were let loose in a big wood to do an environmental sculpture project - ie. play in the woods and make things! It was so cold i wore: a vest top, polo neck jumper, hoodie, big fleecy duffel coat, woolie tights, socks, fleece socks, jeans, wellies, a hat with ear flaps, scarf, gloves and gardening gloves! And it was still occasionally chilly wearing all that! It was so much fun though, and it was amazing to believe that we were actually doing that as a compulsory part of our course - it was more like playing in the woods and having a generally fun time! An environmental sculptor came, and was camping for 2 days previously so he could work, and he made this:

It was really big, and it was made out of mud, bracken and sweet chestnut cases!
Its amazing that some people can do this as their job!

We then had 2 days to make our own sculpture, and this is what me and my group came up with:

On the close of day 1!

Day 2: our Uber amazing sculpture! 'Type A', is it atoms, or apples on sticks?!

Next year we have to come back and do it all again, but with special needs children! Its gonna be so much fun! I love this course....


Main uni campus at stupid o'clock phase 2!

We played pool at uni, and Reuben beat us all! 4 girls against him! We are quite rubbish at pool tho!

Pancake night!

I got to look this time!

I got to play with clay! It was fun! This one was done with my eyes closed!

Meal at Varsity - Me, (talkative) Rachel and Sally

Blog me up

ok, so i have been extremely, rubbishly, incredibly lame updating lately. I apologise profusely for my lack of updatage, and will endeavor to record my goings on more regularly in future.
Uni continues to be a life of craziness but greatness. Ive done so much over the last few weeks that i cant even remember all ive done! Some things are:
I've been out for food with people
I've been to Dan's and he's been here
I've been to, and decided on, a church - which incidentally is very cool!
Started helping at a kids klub, very originally named KidzKlub
Been ice skating in Nottingham - very fun!
Been clubbing
Done washing
Been shopping
Lost lots of weight from walking and biking everywhere!
Cooked food for people - havent poisoned anyone yet!
Helped in making 90 pancakes to give out to people for free with the CU, run from my kitchen (which is currently a tip!)
Been on more crazy prayer walks
Started life drawing again
Been home home - which was really good, but really wierd. Its kinda home, but this is home now. It was like nothing and everything has changed - ive never experienced anything like that before
Been to Bristol for Ellie's flatwarming - read more on It was so much fun!
Been to uni
Done a bit of work!
Slept on occasion!

Photos will be on the next entry!

(belated) Phrase of the week!

This is very very very late, but this week's phrase of the week is [object] me up!
I was highly amused when my friend Lucy used this without me even telling her about phrase of the week, when she said 'bowl me up' in response to objects to eat on on tuesday! I got quite excited!
There's only a day late, so use it wisely!
phrase of the week me up!