Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Woo, I'm home home!!

As the title suggests, woo, I am home home for Christmas!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Home alone!

So here i am sitting quietly at my desk working. Well not quite seeing as i'm on blogspot writing this...but anyway! Almost everyone else here in Derby has gone home for Christmas and are happily enjoying themselves Christmas shopping and enjoying the festivities, and here i am working away on the psychological, physiological and sociological development influences on a 4 year old girl playing with hats looking in a mirror! Random...

Festive phrase of the week!

'This will be my last POTW before Christmas, so it seemed only right to have a festive POTW. We seemed to be struggling to come up with something, other than adding the word Christmas onto one of our other frequently used phrases until we came up with one a minute ago...
So, the Christmas phrase of the week is: 'Baubles'
In place of where we would generally use tiddlywinks (which is generally used in place of various swear words, and is sometimes alternated with the word turnips).'

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Alton Castle crazy weekend!

I like saying yes to things that will be helpful to people. For example, if someone wants me to do some shopping for them, or go and see them, or cook for them, i generally will. I am nice like that. However, sometimes this helpfulness gives me more than i bargained for. Take this weekend for example:
Simple question given to me: 'Would you fancy helping out with catering at the youth weekend away?'
My answer: 'Yeah ok, sounds good'
I then subsequently found out that not only would this weekend be at Alton Castle, there would also be 70 young people there between the ages of 12 and 17. Yes, 70! Nice....
We spent almost the whole time running around the kitchen cooking and going 'Ahhhh, its not cooked yet!', especially when we found out that the sausages took 45 mins to cook on 500 in the mighty ginormous ovens they had!
It was still cool though, and it was an amazing place, very pretty! Here are some pics of the place and the pretty sunrise!

Monday, December 11, 2006

500 million cakes!

To celebrate us finishing one of our modules and assignments, me and Rachel had Cakeday on Thursday! Originally we planned to make one lot of cakes, however, we got slightly carried away! Not only did we make cake, we made:

Chocolate Souffles
Pink and yellow fairy cakes
Cheese and onion pasties (with hand made pastry)
Chilli pasties
Pizza (with hand made dough base)
Garlic and herb bread (with hand made bread!)

As you can see, we eat well here! If me and Rach live together next year we may get quite fat!

Jesus is our superhero!

Last week we did a superhero party for the kids at KidzKlub, and got to dress up as superheroes! I looked very fetching as you can see with my pants over my trousers as superwoman!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Phrase of the week!

'it's phrase of the week time! This week's phrase of the week is:500 million [objects]This has to be said in a Dr Evil style, with the little finger and everything, otherwise it's just not as funny. I think I may now go and drink 500 million cups of coffee!'

I'm now going to do 500 million bits of essay writing!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Time is running away!

I cant believe how much time runs away! Lately it has been turning around, poking its tongue out at me, saying 'bye bye, ha ha' in a mocking voice. This was especially illustrated on two particular occasions this week with my friend Lucy: Firstly when Lucy came round mine at 11 after prayer meeting on monday, and we turned around to see the clock to discover it was almost 3am! And then again yesterday when i went to hers to get my bike and for breakfast, planning to be back at mine for 10 so i could do essay writing all day, for me to nearly hyperventilate with shock to discover it was gone 1pm!

This is Lucy ------>

The last few weeks have also gone really quick with going away for weekends, going to lectures, out with mates, attempting to do work, cooking food, shopping and washing!
True to form, ive been up to a lot lately! Among some of the more profound moments, i have joined You should too!

I have been gadding about a lot in recent weeks. 3 weekends ago i went to the wonderful Dan's (who was so asleep when i got there i was standing out in the cold for 20 mins before giving up and going to his friends until he woke up! - love u Dan!). I'm very unhelpful and cant really remember what i did there apart from spend time with Dan!

2 Weeks ago i fractured my finger by shutting it in a door. It hurt. And i had claw hand for 2 weeks until it finally healed up this week! For over a week it was also the magical changing colour finger - at least every few hours it would change to a different colour of blue, purple or red!

----> Claw hand!

2 weekends ago i went away to the CU houseparty weekend in Chepstow. This was such good fun filled with much laughter, singing, eating and talking and very little sleep! It was awesome!

<---- Houseparty people! (pull it houseparty!)

Last weekend I went away with some people from my new church (also from CU), and with Dan to an event called Fusion - a Christian student conference in Oxford. Again, we had much fun and laughter, and junk food! One day i did literally live on chocolate, sweets and crisps! Being a student is great fun!

-----> fusion people!

I handed in my first proper uni assignment on Wednesday - the scariness! Got another one to be in next fri, and another for the beginning of Jan, which i need to hand in before Christmas. Only 3 days worth of lectures left too, which again reinforces the idea that time is waving goodbye! Plus I've just looked at the time and its now midnight....