Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

In Derby! Woo!

So, i'm at uni! Its all very very crazy at the moment! After Dan's birthday at the weekend, moving in here on Sunday, starting yesterday and all the parties means its a bit mad!
I'm in a hall of residence, living on the top (2nd) floor with 7 girls! They seem an interesting bunch (!), but they could be fun. There's another Anna opposite me which is pretty confusing, but shes cool, and Rachel who is next to me is on my course!
My room isn't bad. Its bigger than i thought it would be - certainly longer, but its not huge still. Its a bit messy at the moment, but i'm trying to make it home! Its cool, i quite like it.
The parties are pretty full on, and we even get freshers fortnight here instead of freshers week! Was out until 3am on Sunday night, and reasonably late last night. Then some of the girls decided it would be cool to have a party here at 1am! There was bad karaoke till goodness knows when, with the guys who came up more than a little drunk! Our flat has already nearly filled up the glass recycling bag, and the floor is christened with wine!
Today i cooked here for the first time - veg stir fry and 8p noodles! I was impressed with my healthiness! I even took a photo to mark the occasion, which i'll put up on here soon.
I get a day off today which im pretty excited about! I got a lie in! 8 hours sleep! Sleep is my friend. It makes me happy. Then no doubt more partying tonight! Its a hard life!
I'll try put up some pics later, so you can see the lovely chav halls, and my lodge which the guys from downstairs have unnofficially named the Trevor Mcdonald lodge!


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