Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Friday, September 22, 2006


This is the halls im living in! My lodge is to the right of this photo, and down a little path! Its quite pretty tho, am quite impressed!
This is my room! its currently quite tidy, but not how sure that will last! Its quite colourful already too, and finally got round to putting photos up! I quite like it - am getting used to it now. Its all about making it home i guess.

This is the corridor where we all are on my floor. Im in the second from end room on the right. Its fairly clean at the moment, but the floor has been christened with wine!

This is our kitchen. It isnt bad, except there isnt much space to store food. But its ok!

This was the first meal i made at uni! I was quite impressed with myself! Not only was it yummy, it was also really healthy! :D


Blogger Munchkin said...


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