Anna Spanner's Adventures!

My blog, recording my adventures! Mainly those of the Brazil variety, but you never know! Fun fun!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Phrase of the Week!

This week's phrase of the week is:

[object] is male/is being male

Friday, September 22, 2006


This is the halls im living in! My lodge is to the right of this photo, and down a little path! Its quite pretty tho, am quite impressed!
This is my room! its currently quite tidy, but not how sure that will last! Its quite colourful already too, and finally got round to putting photos up! I quite like it - am getting used to it now. Its all about making it home i guess.

This is the corridor where we all are on my floor. Im in the second from end room on the right. Its fairly clean at the moment, but the floor has been christened with wine!

This is our kitchen. It isnt bad, except there isnt much space to store food. But its ok!

This was the first meal i made at uni! I was quite impressed with myself! Not only was it yummy, it was also really healthy! :D

Dan's party!

Dan was 21 on Saturday, and therefore he's now qualified as old! Anyways, he had a party - it was cool! And alieny! Dan looked a lot like the incredible hulk, it was quite amusing! He had his nails painted too! I just looked wierd, and green!
Here are a few pics! There will be more once i get my camera back from Dan!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Phrase of the week!

This weeks phrase of the week is:

It's not my fault, i didn't do it!

Usually said because you did! Well done to all those people who used the last phrase of the week (Dan :)), i salute you! Now convert other people too!

It's not my fault, i didnt do it!

In Derby! Woo!

So, i'm at uni! Its all very very crazy at the moment! After Dan's birthday at the weekend, moving in here on Sunday, starting yesterday and all the parties means its a bit mad!
I'm in a hall of residence, living on the top (2nd) floor with 7 girls! They seem an interesting bunch (!), but they could be fun. There's another Anna opposite me which is pretty confusing, but shes cool, and Rachel who is next to me is on my course!
My room isn't bad. Its bigger than i thought it would be - certainly longer, but its not huge still. Its a bit messy at the moment, but i'm trying to make it home! Its cool, i quite like it.
The parties are pretty full on, and we even get freshers fortnight here instead of freshers week! Was out until 3am on Sunday night, and reasonably late last night. Then some of the girls decided it would be cool to have a party here at 1am! There was bad karaoke till goodness knows when, with the guys who came up more than a little drunk! Our flat has already nearly filled up the glass recycling bag, and the floor is christened with wine!
Today i cooked here for the first time - veg stir fry and 8p noodles! I was impressed with my healthiness! I even took a photo to mark the occasion, which i'll put up on here soon.
I get a day off today which im pretty excited about! I got a lie in! 8 hours sleep! Sleep is my friend. It makes me happy. Then no doubt more partying tonight! Its a hard life!
I'll try put up some pics later, so you can see the lovely chav halls, and my lodge which the guys from downstairs have unnofficially named the Trevor Mcdonald lodge!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Last day in Lowestoft! Scary!

This week has gone so fast! Its been manic - saying so many goodbyes, and attempting to pack and prepare for Uni. Packing is not my friend! Especially when i have a reasonably small room at uni, and i have lots of stuff! Its mad how much i have left in my room seeing how much i'm taking! I leave Lowestoft tomorrow to go to Dan's - its his 21st birthday (woo!), and parents are meeting me in Derby to move into halls on Sunday.
Its wierd leaving. I know i'll be back, but its never going to be the same again. I've spent so much of my life here, and shared so much here. I was ill here, and i got well here. I've laughed and i've cried. And its been my home, refuge.
Its fantastic to have a fresh start, and to have that opportunity - Ive been waiting for this for so long, but its also bittersweet leaving here.
In some ways it feels like i've gone from being 14, to being 20 in less than a year, and even more so in the last week. Its a bit of a shock to the system! Exciting, but scary too!
I'll try keep updated with whats happening!

Friday, September 08, 2006

New hair!

I had my hair cut! I think it looks nice too, and quite artistic at times! It makes me happy. Verdict?

I'm also better now. That makes me happy too!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Being sick doesn't make me happy

It is not unusual for me to be ill. It is however, quite rare for me to actually be sick. Until today it seems! And i don't like it!
Being sick doesn't make me happy.

Phrase of the week

I have decided to go along with my friend Ellie, and have the phrase of the week! Its such a genius idea, and lots of fun! Ellie writes lots about the phrase of the week here:
This week's phrase of the week is something i've used a lot recently (along with ellie!). It is:
[object] makes me happy/ [object] doesn't make me happy!

As this is so genius, i expect you all to be good sports and join in!

Phrase of the week makes me happy.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Duck race!

I went to a duck race! It was fun! This was my duck. Her name is Mona the mighty-fast duck. She didn't win though!

There were lots of other ducks too. 4000 in fact. Duck's make me happy.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The beat goes on!

What i failed to mention about Greenbelt as i thought it deserved a seperate post, was that i got to do a massive sculpture for it! It was for the Christian Aid campaign 'the beat goes on', and it was very big! And mighty.
It was basically a massive figure/totem pole made from steel dustbins that you could drum. It sounded good too! The general idea was based on drums, the beat goes on, recycling, and redemption/freedom songs. It was very successful! Mighty successful in fact! ( i should perhaps stop saying that so much!
Anyways, here is how it was done! It was hard! But shiny in the end. And possibly the mightiest drum in the world.

if that isnt working, which it appears not to be (if anyone knows how to work html, please let me know!), try here:

We also got photographed drumming it here (me, Dan (my boyfriend!), Ellie, and some random guy!:

There are more pics both of the sculpture, and of Greenbelt generally at:

The mighty lollipop

This is the mighty lollipop.

Enough said.

Mighty Greenbelt is my friend! It makes me happy!

As you can probably tell, not only have i just been to Greenbelt, i also had fun. Lots. Not just any fun though. Mighty fun in fact!
Mighty turned out to be a common description for things at Greenbelt, due to our comedy asda shopping trip, buying foods with comedy names. In this particular instance, 'Mighty Soup!'. It wasn't just any soup, it was very mighty! A random guy we met (by the name of Mighty Ben) made it particularly amusing with the comedy Mighty voice, and hence it became the word of the week. We had also had a lot of sugar. Which is always funny in itself! Other comedy named food we got was: Mug shot! and Cheesy wiggles. Which were very cheesy. And wiggly.
We laughed a lot, talked a lot, jumped a lot, danced a lot, and skanked a lot! Skanking was amazing fun, particularly mighty skanking!
Saw loads of bands too. The favourites were: All star united (la la la la.......), Verra Cruz (you can never have enough the band!), skanking with the ska worship band, Kevin Max (though not sure about the whole priest look!), My spoon (my spoon is my friend!), Electralyte (hey hey!), Fire Fly (tho way too short set!), Folk on (folk on!), and Atlum Schema.
Greenbelt is full of random people, and me and Ellie are definately 2 of them. More often than not when we're there, we'll have fairy wings on, and carrying an inflatable elephant called Ken, and a rubber duck called Alan. One day i was particularly fetching in a pixie pirate fairy outfit!

That is us jumping around at one of the most genius and mighty gigs at greenbelt! Ken is obscuring me rather, but he deserves the pic! He is a mighty mosher! This was also an official Greenbelt photograph!

Other immense highlights of the weekend include: our huge paddling pool, which seated 9 comfortably! Its such a genius sofa when camping! Spending time with Dan :). Doing a kid's junk modelling workshop for 120 kids! And who could forget the mighty waterfight in which we could have got no wetter!

All in all, it was a very mighty Greenbelt!

Hopefully there will be more pics soon, but here's one or 2 to get going!